Reports on the Apple VR and mixed reality headset price have been mixed. Apple VR and mixed reality headset rumored price So, it's not quite like the Oculus Quest 2, which is VR-only. Plus, the Apple VR headset could incorporate a see-through experience that can deliver a form of augmented reality. That way Apple's VR and mixed reality headset can offer body tracking, and incorporate real-world environments in a virtual space. The Apple VR and mixed reality headset is expected to be like a typical VR headset, but one with a number of exterior cameras and sensors that unlock bonus functionality. We're talking about glasses that are able to project information, and presumably imagery, onto its lenses In other words, based on everything we've heard, Apple Glass is designed to look and act like an ordinary lightweight pair of glasses. The AR lenses are supposed to offer an 'optical see-through AR experience,' according to Ming-Chi Kuo. According to reports, the Apple VR and mixed reality headset is designed to be a precursor to Apple Glass.